Alexandra Lederer-Ponzer

'Let us influence to achieve a better good in the world. Let us cooperate, collaborate, communicate, co-develop and not only co-exist – but build on connections - with empathy...'
Learn more about who I am and what I want to achieve with my work.
‘Let us influence to achieve a better good in the world, not only in private but also very much in our professional life. Let us cooperate, collaborate, communicate, co-develop and not only co-exist – but build on connections - this is what I want to achieve with my work.’
Coach. Consultant. Moderator.
As a leadership, executive, team and business coach my focus lies on achieving leadership effectiveness in organisations, but also with individual leaders and people interested in strengthening their inner leader.
As a management consultant, I provide support in different areas in change programs, strategic and organizational development as well as communication and leadership/company culture.
As a facilitator, moderator and motivational or inspirational speaker, I support organisations with workshops, at team buildings and strategy off-sites or at employee events.
Competency. Work experience. Leadership passion.
Competency. I am a Co-active® Coach (www.coactive.com), with a certification in the ‘The Leadership Circle Profile’ (www.leadershipcircle.com), a leadership development program (assessment & consulting) of one of the leading global institutions for leadership development, focussing on leadership effectiveness. I hold a Master’s degree in Business Administration.
Work experience | International focus. Wide horizon. Transformational focus. During my more than 20 years of professional career in banking, IT and management consulting, I gained experience in different areas like strategy development and implementation, governance, communications, change management, sales, business consulting, IT contracting and bid management. In the last 15 years, I was holding leadership positions up to senior management level. One of my prominent strengths is working with international teams, different nationalities and cultures.
Leadership passion. My passion is leadership and helping people find their inner strength and power to lead a fulfilled life and be an effective leader. With this focus I am mainly working together with organisations which consider ‘leadership’ to be one of the key pillars for success and therefore regard it a strategic priority. I work with the inner leader in us, as our impact is manifold: on the leaders in our teams, on our teams as such, our families and any group of people (associations, etc) we are interacting with - in our private and professional lives. Each one of them is having an impact on other people in our society. Therefore, encouraging, empowering and excelling in the way we lead makes a difference in this world. In my work I am always putting a strong focus on communication and connection of people. This is especially important in organisations when it comes to transformation projects, which nowadays are part of everyday business life.
‘Don’t worry about the past which you cannot change anymore anyway. Focus on the future and what you want to achieve in life and who you want to be in life. Trust in yourself. Lead your life.’

I can walk the talk.
Mastering crisis situations. One of my strengths is leading myself through crisis situations, be it mastering complex professional situations or a private or health crisis. My own, probably strongest personal development was triggered by the diagnosis of a parotid gland tumour in late 2018, after quitting my job with a plan to start my own business in early 2019. The diagnosis and the subsequent operations and therapy taught me how to excel in patience and positive attitude.
Encouraging self-motivation. I coached myself though that difficult time. I always kept my desire to run my own business of coaching leaders, teams, talents and everyone interested in taking a journey to find his or her inner leader and strength, ready to make a difference in this world. In fact this desire only grew with that experience.
Trusting in yourself, being open for change. Since my illness I have a permanent facial paresis, but I still keep pursuing what I strongly believe is my life’s purpose, even more than ever: supporting people who want to change something in their professional and private lives by coaching and providing advice to them in how to lead their own change – people ready for transformation of their professional and private lives. And more than ever, with all the obstacles which came with this paresis, I kept my motivation of being an inspirational speaker on self-motivation, empowering leadership and managing crisis situations.
Encourage. Empower. Excel.
Encourage Your Leadership. I strongly believe that everyone can be a leader, if he/she really wants. As human beings we all have the inner creativity and resources and, if seen as a whole person, we are capable of much greater things than we believe can be achieved. I encourage and empower people to find their inner strengths and capabilities and discover new perspectives, values and their purpose in life, paired with a balance to live a fulfilled life, professionally as much as privately. With my clients I focus on working on this major shift in mind set that can move mountains and on daring to excel in leadership!
Lead Your Life. Lead Your Team.
Want to know more?
Contact me for a ‘Get2know Call’ and see what might be possible to change for you or your teams, give yourself a chance to become more effective in what you do - as a person or a company! (just scroll down for the contact form)
Or learn more about my vita and see my CV.