General Information
LEDERER-PONZER CONSULTING e.U. | Mag. Alexandra Lederer-Ponzer
Management and Business Consultancy, including Coaching
Registered Sole Proprietorship
Address Peter-Jordan-Strasse 179/4, 1180 Vienna, Austria
Phone +43 664 8181396
A Member of The Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Section UBIT (Management Consulting, IT, Accounting)
Legal Information
Jurisdiction: | Vienna, Austria | Court of Commerce Vienna |
Applicable law: | Austrian Law |
Company register: | FN 505054b |
Commercial code: | |
Trade office: | City Council | District Office for the 18th district of Vienna |
Tax number: | UID no. – not yet available; micro business according to Art. 6 par. 1 item 27 UStG (Austrian VAT Act) |
Legal information according to Art. 25 Para 5 MedienG (Austrian Media Act)
Media owner: | LEDERER-PONZER Consulting e.U. |
Area of activity: | Management Consultancy |
Seat: | Peter-Jordan-Strasse 179/4, 1180 Vienna, Austria |
Media & Editorial
Web design: | Marie-Luise Bolius | GrafikerInWien |
Photos: | Leadership & Coaching photos: Niklas Schnaubelt | |
Consulting photo: Brano Herchl | | |
Front page/Home photo: Pexels GmbH | | |
About photos: Niklas Schnaubelt (#1) | A. Lederer-Ponzer (#2) | |
Editorial: | Alexandra Lederer-Ponzer |
© LEDERER-PONZER Consulting e.U. | 2020
All contents of this website are protected by copyright. It is forbidden to use them or pass them on to third parties without the express prior written consent of LEDERER-PONZER Consulting e.U. | Alexandra Lederer-Ponzer. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer of Liability
Typing errors and changes reserved. The content and information on the website is regularly checked and updated by us. Nevertheless, it is possible that information provided on the website has already changed. Therefore, LEDERER-PONZER Consulting e.U. does not assume any liability or guarantee for topicality, correctness and completeness.
References and Links
LEDERER-PONZER Consulting e.U. | Mag. Alexandra Lederer-Ponzer does not accept any liability for the content and information, their accuracy, completeness or authenticity of Internet sites to which this website refers by means of hypertext links. Access to other websites using these hypertext links is at the user’s own risk.
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